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Webinar: How to become a chieftain in the world of work

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“There is a revolution underway in the way we run organizations. We have to deal with the widespread distrust, stress and dissatisfaction in the workplace. It is the lack of humility, job satisfaction, community and inclusive leadership that stands in the way. Everyone deserves a leader who can accommodate them. And the leader deserves to rest in himself as one who creates well-being, security, direction and inspiration in happy employees.”

This is how Christian Groes opens up about the new book “Wish my boss was a chieftain This is how we get the leaders we deserve”, which he has co-written with Dennis Nørmark.

Are they too hard on the leaders? Or do they hit the spot? Either way, it adds up to an intriguing discussion. In this webinar, Danni and Christian Groes delve into the book's most important points, connect them to psychological security and compare them to the types of leaders we encounter on a daily basis — versus the leadership Groes and Nørmark believe is needed.

You will hear fascinating stories from Christian's fieldwork, where we connect it to concrete tools and suggestions on how both managers and employees best thrive in the modern world.

It's not just about the leaders — the employees also play a crucial role.

The webinar will take place on Tuesday 12 November at 11.00-12.00 and is particularly relevant for those who:

  • They like to “just” want leaders who are more humble, attentive and listening.
  • Works with or interests you in management in our complex present.
  • Is a leader, team leader or has another leadership role

At the webinar you will receive:

  • Insight into what chiefly leadership is and how it can strengthen your dialogue about good management
  • Find out how to become more bossy in your own life if you become convinced that it is attractive :-)
  • Inspiration and concrete tools to deal with conflict and power, as well as strengthen both your vulnerability and assertiveness.

Sign up and learn how to apply the theory and ideas to your everyday life — instantly!

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Danni Liljekrans

Danni holds a master's degree in Management and Organizational Psychology from Aalborg University, but is actually a graduate engineer in robotics. Instead of developing robots, since 2014 he has been working on developing leaders and teams. He has good charisma and is at the same time lightning-sharp.

Danni holds a master's degree in Management and Organizational Psychology from Aalborg University, but is actually a graduate engineer in robotics. Instead of developing robots, since 2014 he has been working on developing leaders and teams. He has good charisma and is at the same time lightning-sharp.

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