The most efficient way to build
psychological safety in your team

Strengthen psychological safety across your entire organization with digital learning journeys.

We believe that psychological safety is essential for organizations that want to foster a culture of innovation, strong performance, and engagement.

Unfortunately, many teams find it challenging to achieve strong results while maintaining employee well-being — precisely due to a lack of psychological safety.
Developed in collaboration with Denmark’s largest companies – used by more than 8,000 leaders and employees.
Senior Department Manager, Novonesis
"What we learned was to develop a common language around psychological safety. I think it gave us a very good understanding of what it truly means. Before we started, we thought we had a very safe environment, but we also learned a lot of new things. It's a very small effort with a big payoff, especially for the overall understanding and shared language within the team."
Scrum master, Ørsted
"I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to facilitate the sessions on psychological safety through the platform. The videos were clear and required minimal preparation. It felt like the presenters had visited us for a session where they introduced us to psychological safety in a simple and entertaining way. The meeting was engaging and included various exercises that helped strengthen the bond between team members. It is impressive to see what can be achieved in such a short time. If a team leader is serious about developing their team, I would highly recommend this product."

Structure of the course

  • The leader facilitates the journey with support from leadership videos.
  • Two digital workshops guide the team through exercises and tools.
  • The team completes the journey together, building a shared understanding along the way.
  • Training periods allow participants to apply the tools in practice.
  • Available in both Danish and English.
  • Developed with a down-to-earth approach — no boring or patronizing formats.
  • Proven to have a significant positive impact in employee surveys.

Forløbet inkludere

3 x Ledervideoer
2 x teamsession videoer

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Valg antal medarbejdere



I får






timer sparret for jeres HR-partnere

89,5 %

besparelse i forhold til fysisk forløb

Din Pris

12.000 kr.

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''Vi var ved at kløjes i dialogkort''

Er du i tvivl om, hvordan dette digitale teamforløb passer til din organisation? Eller vil du gerne høre mere om, hvordan I bedst implementerer det i jeres team?

  • Her er hvad du får ud af at se en forhåndsvisning
  • Gratis faciliteringsvideo
Flere kundecases

Har du spørgsmål?

Er du i tvivl om, hvordan dette digitale teamforløb passer til din organisation? Eller vil du gerne høre mere om, hvordan I bedst implementerer det i jeres team?

Vi står klar til at hjælpe! Uanset om du har spørgsmål om indholdet, processen eller den praktiske implementering, kan du altid tage kontakt til

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Hvem er vi og hvorfor virker det digitale teamforløb så godt?

Vores mission er at styrke ledelse og læring i organisationer ved at fremme vidensdeling, engagement og resultatorienteret vækst. Vi tilbyder digitale og fysiske udviklingsprogrammer, der hjælper teams med at balancere menneskellige og forretningsmæssige behov i en dynamisk verden.

Siden 2016 har vi hjulpet mere end 200 organisationer, og mere end 10.000 medarbejdere på vej mod bedre stærkere ledelse og læring.











ledere hjulpet

Det digitale teamforløb er for dig der:

  • Gerne vil skabe reel forandring i en stor organisation
  • Bruge jeres ressourcer med omtanke
  • Støtte jeres ledere bedst muligt i at ændre kulturen
  • Ved at psykologisk tryghed er præstationsfremmende ledelsesværktøj som skaber bæredygtigt adfærd og derfor ekstraordinære resultater

Det digitale teamforløb er IKKE for dig der:

  • Kun tror at man kan styrke den psykologiske tryghed gennem fysisk facilitering
  • Arbejder med psykologisk tryghed for at vinge et flueben af
  • Tror det er nemt at skabe psykologisk tryghed
  • Som tror at psykologisk tryghed kun er for at skabe et hyggeligt arbejdsmiljø

Få en smagsprøve her

  • Her er hvad du får ud af at se en forhåndsvisning
  • Mød værterne
  • Gratis faciliteringsvideo
  • Gratis øvelse som du kan bruge med dit team lige nu

Hvad koster det digitale teamforløb?


Starter er til vriksomheder med mindre end 200 medarbejdere
Starter inkludere
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Feature text goes here
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Basic plan

Starter er til vriksomheder med mere end 200 medarbejdere
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Course content


Overview of the video course
Your role as a leader

For the Leader: Get Ready for Team Session #1

Leader Video #1 and Facilitator Guide
Welcome video to the team

Team Session #1: What is Psychological Safety?Hvad er psykologisk tryghed?

Workbook #1
Team Session Video #1
How to Support Your Team in the Period Leading Up to Team Session #2
Leader Video #2

For the Leader: Get Ready for Team Session #2

Leader Video #3 and Facilitator Guide

Team Session #2: Tools to Increase Psychological Safety

Workbook #2
Team Session Video #2

The further training

Keep up the good work
Danni and Morten from Feedwork

About the course

2 Team Sessions of 2 hours of exercises
1 video and 1 facilitator guide for each Team Session dressing the leader
1 workbook for each Team Session

Hvordan kan du bruge det digitale teamforløb?

Ressource i organisationen

  • Hives frem ved behov
  • Medarbejder undersøgelser
  • Støttes af HR-org

Kulturforandrings projekt

  • Blended learning
  • Live Kick offs
  • Styregruppe møder
  • Skræddersyet indhold

Læs 2 eksempler





Your trainers

Danni Liljekrans

Danni Liljekrans


Danni originally trained as a civil engineer in robotics, but since 2014, he has dedicated himself to developing leaders and teams. His journey has led him to earn a Master’s in Management and Organizational Psychology from Aalborg University. Known for his charisma and keen insights, clients often describe Danni as a powerful storyteller who can challenge perspectives and inspire motivation.

Outside of work, Danni is a devoted father, often found traveling across the country for badminton tournaments.


  • Master’s in Leadership and Organizational Psychology
  • M.Sc. in Robotics
  • Facilitator at True North
  • Certified Coach
  • Certified Scrum Master
  • Former Agile Coach

Morten Melby

Morten Melby


When you meet Morten, it’s immediately clear that he is both welcoming and genuinely curious. He’s an attentive listener, ensuring he truly understands what you’re saying. You’ll also notice his articulate, competent, and straightforward communication style — he’s never afraid to express his thoughts openly.

If you encounter Morten outside of work, you can always spark a conversation about his passions: cycling, sports, cooking, and the latest trends on the internet.


  • BSc in Business Administration and Psychology
  • Reserve Officer in the Danish Air Force
  • Former Elite Athlete
  • Certified Coach
  • Partner @ Feedwork

Ikke bare E-learning - Fordi det er ikke godt nok

Ikke bare endnu en e-learning. Vi skaber sociale teamprocesser guidet af digitale virkemidler.

Du får en læringspartner, ikke kun nogle videoer.  

Digitalt materiale, fysiske processer, kollektive oplevelser, ejerskab i teamet.

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Medarbejdertilfredshed der betaler sig – sådan gør du

Medarbejdertilfredshed booster din virksomheds succes. Få praktiske tips og tricks til, hvordan du skaber trivsel, der gavner både medarbejdere og bundlinjen.

Unlock Workplace Potential with Self-Insight

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Psychological safety
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8 tips: How to build psychological safety at work

Psychological safety has a huge impact on how employees in your organization engage and contribute to the success of the team. Learn how it is built here.

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